Finding Freedom From Shame and Guilt


Nov 10, 2022

The old saying “there is nothing new under the sun” remains true today. From the beginning of creation, the enemy has used two effective strategies to render Christians ineffective. Returning to the scene of The Fall, we see soon after the consumption of the fruit, Adam and Eve are knitting tree leaves. Why? to hide their shame. Cleverly, the slithery foe entices the deceived couple so that “they may know.” You know the outcome; the trap led them straight to the open door of shame.


Guilt and shame are close cousins operating in conjunction. The awareness that they had violated God’s command “opened” Adam and Eve’s eyes. Shame had them stitching their leafy garments to hide behind what they had done. Looking back at that encounter, we may recognize the devil’s handiwork. Both tools strengthen the enemy’s grip in distracting and immobilizing believers. It’s a strategy that is useful in rendering us useless. We get all in our feelings because that’s what guilt and shame are. They are weighted feelings that burden our souls; they are like giant speed bumps in our Christian journey.


Let’s take a little closer look at these sneaky weapons. If you are feeling guilty, you may sense remorse or responsibility. In and of itself, a feeling of guilt isn’t bad. Guilt is a resourceful emotion leading the way to repentance. We recognize our guilt of sin, revealing our need for salvation and redemption. The problem lies when the guilt brings condemnation as opposed to conviction. Conviction draws us close to the heart of God, while condemnation often chases us from it. Shame clears the way for feelings of inadequacy and worthlessness. Frequently, shameful emotion considers others’ opinions of us; it causes us to become people-pleasers. The sad truth about guilt and shame is that it paves the way for us to hide. Hiding away from God, church community, and family only compounds the problem instead of alleviating the weight.

Here are five tips when dealing with guilt and shame:


1) Truth- We must avail ourselves of the power of the Holy Spirit. He guides, leads, and illuminates the secret things of the heart. The sweetness of the Spirit is that it brings the shadowy baggage to the forefront. Allow the Holy Spirit to shine the light on the root of the guilt and shame. Ask yourself whether what you are feeling is the truth. Is it pure? Is it convicting or condemning?

Here are two scripture verses that help serve as reminders:

I Corinthians 2:10-

But it was to us that God revealed these things by his Spirit. For his Spirit searches out everything and shows us God’s deep secrets. (NLT)

Philippians 4:8-

And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. (NLT)


2) Prayer– Most of us need to spend more time reflecting. Personally, there’s richness and depth to my relationship with God when I take time to reflect. The word, reflection may conjure up a negative connotation meant to sound new age. Reflecting gives God space and time to shift, dive deep, and remove the seed of guilt and shame. From the abundance of reflection, prayer becomes fluid and healing. A conversation unfolds between the Creator and the created. Prayer is the vehicle God uses in us to release wounds and unburden heavy emotions.

Matthew 11:28-30 can be a source of comfort and healing, “‘ Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. (NIV)


3)Share– I may say a lot. On the other hand, I say nothing. When I am comfortable, I have the gift of gab. Yet, in the past, I lived so guarded and embarrassed about matters of the heart. For years, I retreated within myself when dealing with shame or guilt. I became closed off for fear of being vulnerable or putting all my business out there. This behavior helped further the enemy’s cause. He doesn’t need us to switch camps; all he needs is for us to live inactively. He operates in the shadows where he actively works for us to keep these feelings shut in the recesses of our hearts. Time swiftly passes while all the while we are held captive. Fear creeps in to tell us that we are the only ones experiencing XYZ. Well, let’s pull the band-aid off. We aren’t the only ones going through it. By sharing it with others, healing begins and breathes freedom into those cobweb spaces in our hearts. Bit of advice-choose carefully with whom you will share your secrets.

Consider Galatians 6:2-

Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. (ESV)


4) Let go– For me, fall is a beautiful season. As I write this blog post, I stare out the window where a blanket of leaves covers my yard. The wind gently whisks the leaves off the branches; they softly cascade to the ground. There is no brute force, no massive pressure applied. It’s as though the trees know that to prepare for the next season, the leaves must go. The leaves aren’t clinging for dear life as if to say, ” you can’t live without me.” We, as observers, embrace the process in nature yet won’t let go internally. To make space for things that matter, we must be willing to let go of the things that don’t. Shame and guilt will not serve you well, so let them go!


I Peter 5:7 is a powerful verse we can grasp hold of when we grapple with shame and guilt-

Casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.(ESV)

5) Cling to faith, hope, and love– The beauty of the trifecta is they all bring something glorious to our lives. Faith provides a substance not in ourselves per se but in God. God is able where we are not. Hope bridges the gaps when you want to give up or give in. Hope quiets the soul. Love covers it all. The love of God encapsulates it all, enabling us to walk away in freedom. He has a plan, and shame and guilt are not part of it.


Lastly, my friend, know that Jesus has made a way for you to overcome. Never in your strength, but His grace is always sufficient. Prayerfully consider this post.




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